ULI presents recommendations for North Nevada Avenue corridor redevelopment in Colorado Springs

Map of Nevada Ave in Colorado Springs
Map of Nevada Ave in Colorado Springs(City of Colorado Springs)
Published: Mar. 7, 2025 at 10:52 AM MST
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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - Changes could be coming to a busy Colorado Springs corridor. Experts from the Urban Land Institute (ULI) presented recommendations on the future of North Nevada Avenue corridor.

The study was reportedly conducted by a nine-person panel from ULI’s Advisory Services Program. It focuses on the area of the street between Austin Bluffs and Fillmore.

It provided the Colorado Springs community with opportunities for positive change and long-term growth in the area, officials said. This comes after an agreement was signed by the city, Springs Utilities, and UCCS in 2023 to improve infrastructure and grow the economy along the roadway.

Some of the recommendations made in that presentation include opening access to Monument Creek, providing more high rise apartments, repurposing industrial buildings for creative spaces, and increasing the amount of entertainment available.

“Communities wrestle with when you say urbanization, you close your eyes was the first thing that comes to mind? New York. Well the reason why we have examples like this is to give folks more menu of options that fit their needs,” Rodney Milton, director of ULI Colorado, said.

A full report will reportedly be produced at a later date and published on ULI’s Knowledge Finder.

At this time, this is just a recommendation. Colorado Springs officials say they will reach out to the community in the area for feedback.