Know Before You Vote: Colorado Springs City Council District 6 candidate Parth Melpakam

April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote! Parth...
April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote! Parth Melpakam is one of the candidates running for Colorado Springs City Council in District 6.(Candidate's Campaign)
Published: Mar. 10, 2025 at 5:14 PM MDT
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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote!

Parth Melpakam is one of the candidates running for Colorado Springs City Council in District 6.

Below is a candidate profile submitted to KKTV 11 News by Melpakam:

Hometown: I grew up in India.

How long have you lived in Colorado Springs? 28 years (since 1997)

Education: Doctorate in Chemical & Petroleum Engineering from University of Wyoming

Profession: Engineer

Previously held and current elected positions:

Elected in 2019 & 2023 to Colorado Springs School District 11 Board of Education;

· 2019-2021 – D11 School Board Treasurer.

· 2021-Present – D11 School Board President.

Top five priorities for Colorado Springs:


Recruiting, retaining, and supporting our police officers and firefighters is critical to ensure swift response times in case of emergencies. I will prioritize the city budget on public safety and prevention of crime.


It is necessary to find the ideal balance between the growth that drives the economic vitality of our city with the desire to maintain the “small town” feel of our community. Strategic planning will help ensure new developments do not overburden the city’s current resources and infrastructure,


Residents are worried about “kitchen table” issues - jobs, bills, housing, groceries, government overreach, and quality of life. As a limited government conservative, I will advocate for lower taxes and minimizing the pocketbook impact on current residents.


Fixing potholes with quality paving materials and ensuring overall road maintenance in a timely manner is critical so commute times can be reduced. Keeping costs of utilities affordable, sustainable, and reliable.


Adopt business friendly practices by reducing costly regulatory hurdles and impact fees to make housing affordable. Attract a wide array of diverse industries that offer high paying jobs and economic stability. Promote local businesses.

What are your goals for the district in which you’re running?

In the 28 years I have called Colorado Springs home, the city has nearly doubled its population thereby bringing inevitable growth and development - especially in District 6. The city at a crossroads with pivotal decisions surrounding growth, public safety, infrastructure, and economic development in the near horizon that will determine the future trajectory of our city.

As a father and husband, I will prioritize safe neighborhoods and “kitchen table” issues that affect hard working families. As an engineer, my decisions will be driven objectively based on factual data. As a current publicly elected official, I bring proven leadership with a commitment to common-sense solutions to the challenges facing our city. It is the vision of building a safe, vibrant, sustainable, and thriving city that will be home for current families and future generations that is driving me to run for City Council.

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