Know Before You Vote: Colorado Springs City Council District 5 candidate Jim Miller

April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote! Jim...
April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote! Jim Miller is one of the candidates running for Colorado Springs City Council in District 5.(Candidate's Campaign)
Published: Mar. 10, 2025 at 5:14 PM MDT
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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote!

Jim Miller is one of the candidates running for Colorado Springs City Council in District 5.

Below is a candidate profile submitted to KKTV 11 News by Miller:

Hometown: Paradise, CA

How long have you lived in Colorado Springs? 16 years

Education: School of Hard Knocks, Marine Corp

Profession: Small Business Owner/ Entrepreneur

Previously held and current elected positions: N/A

Top five priorities for Colorado Springs:

1) Homelessness, the city must take an active role in reducing the impact of homelessness on Colorado Springs residents. Crime should be prosecuted, and charitable organizations receiving government funding to address the crisis should be audited and held accountable.

2) Utility Costs, Colorado Springs Utilities does not need to spend their customers hard earned money on advertising, it is not as though residents have a choice in providers. The entire organization should be audited and access fees should be eliminated. Exorbitant access fees do not reward customers who are intentional in conserving resources, oftentimes finding that they pay just as much for the right to access those utilities as they do use them.

3) Intelligent growth, The idea that a city should be evaluated by its growth rate, population, or available housing, is a fallacy that ignores the intangibles of the safety, comfort and quality of life of its existing citizens. Moreover, ignoring the economic impact on residents, rather favoring the income to the city. Colorado Springs has a long history of placing the cart before the horse. Sustainable growth is possible, but only when planning for growth and the pace of providing infrastructure outraces the approval of new developments. We cannot put profits ahead of the citizens of Colorado Springs.

4) Reduce Crime, Improve Response Times. No citizen should be placed on hold during an emergency, it is downright unacceptable. No citizen should be told to just go file a report online when reporting a crime. Budget mismanagement, and ridiculous decision making has led to Colorado Springs being worse than 96% of other cities in America on crime. It is time to put cops back on the streets patrolling and responding to real crime, not monitoring parking meters.

5) Protecting our youth. Recreational marijuana is now here. It is game time when it comes to educating schools, parents and leaders on identifying marijuana in the schools and community possessed by youth. We need to ensure that recreational marijuana is kept at a safe distance away from campuses, just like we need to make sure pedophiles are not living near places where youth congregate. Our city council has refused the topic of passing an ordinance prohibiting a sex offender from living near schools, parks, etc.

What are your goals for the district in which you’re running?

Reduce the cost of living for everyday hardworking Coloradans, by reducing taxes and fees. Restore a sense of security, and increase safety by returning cops to actual meaningful duties, limiting where sex offenders reside and prosecuting criminals. Re-examine the cities budget and spending, the infrastructure in place, and slow down and thoroughly evaluate new developments.

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