Know Before You Vote: Colorado Springs City Council District 2 candidate Tom Bailey
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote!
Tom Bailey is the sole candidate running for Colorado Springs City Council in District 2.
Below is a candidate profile submitted to KKTV 11 News by Bailey:

Hometown: Born in LaJunta, CO, but grew up all over the country (and Guam) as a military brat. Colorado Springs is home.
How long have you lived in Colorado Springs? Twenty years total. Cadet at USAFA 1982-1986, Faculty at USAFA 1994-1997, Continuously since 2012.
MA, Political Science – The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, August 1994.
MA, National Security & Strategic Studies – US Naval War College, Newport, RI, June 2006.
Graduated with Highest Distinction (top 5 % of class)
MA, Military Arts & Sciences – Air Command & Staff College, Montgomery, AL, June 2001.
Distinguished Graduate (top 7 % of class)
BS, International Affairs – United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, May 1986.
Distinguished Graduate, With Honors
Profession: Retired Air Force Colonel, Educator, Real Estate Investor, Volunteer.
Previously held and current elected positions:
HOA President for two Owners’ Associations (elected by my fellow owners).
Appointed to El Paso County Planning Commission by BoCC in 2018, Chairman since 2023.
Top five priorities for Colorado Springs:
Keeping our city on its current path to continued prosperity is my top priority - City Council must be able to put aside personal ambitions and agendas to work together for the good of all the city’s residents.
Manage growth responsibly - Growth needs to be responsible, reasonable, predictable, and sustainable. We can and should encourage smart growth by optimizing our resources – water, energy, and infrastructure - to guide development to locations that are most appropriate for expansion. Growth that is planned, thoughtful, and considers a regional approach makes for the most efficient use of city resources.
Develop solutions to ensure the safety of all - We all deserve to live in a safe, welcoming community. Robust law enforcement is paramount but public safety extends beyond policing. We must prioritize firm as well as compassionate homeless solutions, funding for efficient transportation infrastructure, and ensure our neighborhoods are protected from natural hazards including wildfires and weather emergencies.
Encourage economic growth - The primary role of city government is to set the conditions for prosperity and a quality of life every resident of the city can enjoy. City government should do all it can to establish and maintain a favorable climate where employers see a cost-effective place to conduct business and a place where their employees want to live. Colorado Springs deserves a city government that delivers big city services with small town service.
Overseeing Colorado Springs Utilities - Council’s role in this is critical in order to provide effective governance for our city’s biggest asset. This includes securing a range of energy sources in the face of unrealistic clean energy goals and ensuring that the city grows in a smart and sustainable manner so CSU can continue to deliver our water and energy reliably.
What are your goals for the district in which you’re running?
I’d like to help give our city the kind of government befitting the “#1 most desirable and #3 best place to live in the United States.” We’re not the small town many nostalgically long for, and City Council is instrumental in ensuring city government remains responsive, transparent, and professional in service to the people of Colorado Springs.
Further, I hope to work with all my constituents in District 2 to improve the level of civility with which we approach our differences and work to forge consensus to address the concerns of district residents. Neighbors may disagree on specific issues, but vitriol and personal attacks on those with whom one disagrees, don’t address the issues or contribute to solutions.
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